How to deploy executors in UI

This is likely due to failed start-up attempts. Can you wipe our metadata db? rm -rf /var/lib/dremio/*

when I execute “rm -rf /var/lib/dremio/*”
There is no “No Cluster Ident” error, but the log still shows:

DEBUG c.d.s.coordinator.zk.ZKClusterClient - Connect: host1:5181, zkRoot: dremio2,host2:5181/dremio2,host3:5181, clusterId: dremio

Hi, is there any idea about this problem? I just wan to generate a dremio cluster named ‘dremio2’. thanks.

Can you attach your full sever.log & server.out? Can you also check your external ZK logs to see if there are any errors?

There is no errors info, I can run dremio,and I can also add mapr source, but I can not create the dremio cluster. which means I can not add provisioning.

Per your other post here, it seems like the ZK issue is fixed (it now uses dremio2)
[main] DEBUG c.d.s.coordinator.zk.ZKClusterClient - Connect: host1:5181,host2:5181,host3:5181, zkRoot: , clusterId: dremio2

Actually, it’s not been fixed. I just changed the default cluster id in some of lib jar of dremio.