How to use engineOverride for special UserGroups?

Hi, i defined several engines and want to make the given nodes available for different user groups, so that the ressources are encapsulated.

E. g. engineGroup1 should have 2 nodes and engineGroup2 should habe 3 nodes. How to assign given user-roles to the configured engines? I have seen that i can use query-rules to assign user-roles to queries. is there a similar way to assign user-roles to engines?


First create a Queue. Go to Queues in the settings page, add a Queue and assign it an Engine. In the screenshot below, I’ve created queue “Critical” and assigned it to an engine “Reporting”

Then, go to Rules and create a Rule (with your roles) and assign it to the “Critical” Queue. In my example screenshot, I created rule “Mission Critical” and assigned it to a Queue “Critical”

So now any query that comes from any user that is in the “Critical_Role” role will get assigned to Queue “Critical”, which in turn gets assigned to Engine “Reporting”. Hope that helps!


Thanks for your help. This is actually working. But the is_member-function is not. We are using dremio with internal authentication mode so groups are not available. When i try to use a role with the is_member-function, it is not working. If i use a static user-list with USER IN (…) it works. How can i use roles with is_member()?

The is_member function has a bug with internal roles, it should be fixed in our next update of Dremio Cloud.

We updated to Dremio 19.5 and now it works.

Glad it works, thanks for the update @h.hansmeier