I found several interesting things about dremio.
Please try the following three queries.
select CAST(CONCAT('', DATE '2022-10-26') AS INTEGER)
You will get an error:
GandivaException: Failed to cast the string 2022-10-26 to int32_t.
1profile.zip (12.0 KB)
select CAST(CONCAT( DATE '2022-10-26') AS INTEGER),* from orders2
You will get an error:
GandivaException: Failed to cast the string 2022-10-26 to int32_t.
2profile.zip (15.7 KB)
The parquet file:
orders2.zip (403.7 KB)
select CAST(CONCAT('', DATE '2022-10-26') AS INTEGER),* from orders2
Execution succeeded!
3profile.zip (13.4 KB)
I have some questions:
What is the difference between “CONCAT (‘’, DATE ‘2022-10-26’)” and “CONCAT (DATE ‘2022-10-26’)”?
What is the difference between querying from a table and not querying from a table?