Aggregate values from different columns into an array


I have the following need: given 3 float columns, create a column with an array containing these 3 floats.

So I made the following attempts (creating a minimal example here):

-- Create a table with H, S, and V columns
CREATE TABLE test_hsv_values AS
    CAST(RANDOM() AS FLOAT) AS h, -- Random float between 0 and 1 for hue
    CAST(RANDOM() AS FLOAT) AS s, -- Random float between 0 and 1 for saturation
    CAST(RANDOM() AS FLOAT) AS v  -- Random float between 0 and 1 for value
FROM (SELECT * FROM (VALUES(1),(2),(3),(4),(5))) AS t(dummy_column);

-- this does not work -- is there a better way?
select array[h, s, v] from test_hsv_values;

-- preparation step for the next approach
create table test_hsv_strings as (
select cast(concat('[', h, ',', s, ',', v, ']') as varchar) as color_hsv_string from "dremio-poc-jean"."dev-anna".test_hsv_values

-- this does not work with an error: AssertionError: Cannot add expression of different type to set
create table test_hsv as (
    select cast(convert_from(color_hsv_string, 'json') as list<float>) as color_hsv from "dremio-poc-jean"."dev-anna".test_hsv_strings

So I have a couple questions with this regard:

  1. Is there a more optimal way to make an array with values of several columns than through a to-and-back string convertation? Does the type of values matter – floats, integers, etc.?
  2. If not, and the only possible way is through this convert_to approach – how can I bypass the fact that even explicit type convertation is not enough to create a table? Pre-creation of a table is not an option, since in fact I’m using dbt, and this is just a minimal example of what is happening

In general, I would be glad to get any advice on how to achieve what I initially wanted – create an array with values of several columns (either all floats, or all integers).

Thank you!

Hi, the second SQL should have worked. I’ve asked the query planning team to take a look. I would try to avoid using CONVERT_FROM for this use case of constructing an array from a bunch of columns.

thank you for your response! what approach would you advise to use in this particular case when I want to construct an array from a fixed small number of columns?