I’m trying to deploy a cloud and project through the API with an AWS IAM Role. I want to use the API over the UI for this to run the entire deployment in IaC (terraform).
Following the documentation, I need to generate an externalId and externalIdSignature through API calls for both the cloud and project level creations. Docs:
When passing in a valid PAT to https://api.eu.dremio.cloud/v0/clouds/externalId
, i receive the following 500 response.
"errorMessage": "UNKNOWN: io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: PERMISSION_DENIED: Permission 'cloudkms.cryptoKeyVersions.useToSign' denied on resource 'projects/dremio-service-prodemea/locations/europe-west3/keyRings/external-id-signer/cryptoKeys/hmac-verification-key-20240530' (or it may not exist)."
Any insight on if there is something lacking with the documentation or if this is an issue with the public api would be very helpful as this is currently a blocker for our automated deployment.
Thank you in advance for any insight