I am attempting to create a PDS on top of a folder in my source. This is the results from using GetCatalog by path
I was following these instructions here to configure the Example to Promote Folder
This is what I came up with in PostMan.
Error Message
“errorMessage”: “Something went wrong”,
“moreInfo”: “HTTP 415 Unsupported Media Type”
January 16, 2020, 7:54pm
You are probably missing the Content-Type
header, which needs to be set to application/json
. Looks like you have it set to raw
in postman.
@doron – correct. Changed that and now got this.
Missing type id when trying to resolve subtype of [simple type, class com.dremio.dac.api.EnterpriseDataset]: missing type id property ‘entityType’
at [Source: (org.glassfish.jersey.message.internal.ReaderInterceptorExecutor$UnCloseableInputStream); line: 13, column: 1]
Let me know
January 16, 2020, 8:26pm
https://docs.dremio.com/rest-api/catalog/post-catalog-id.html#request-input shows that you need "entityType": "dataset"
in your JSON since the entity you are creating is a dataset.
@doron --> You Rock! Fixed.
So for those playing along at home here was my problem.
So I ran this catalog by Path to get the folder ID that was in my source.
API path: GET: http://myURL:9047/api/v3/catalog/by-path/cdo_tz/TPD/Refinitivv1
The first time I ran it I got this response.
(I am not sure why this was )
I ran the same API call and got this response.
(Notice the ID)
Then to create the Physical Data Set (PDS)
API Path: POST: http://myURL:9047/api/v3/catalog/16689883-3b8f-4579-9ccf-e14f06815e2e
And that is all.
PS: I figured out the whole ID thing. I believe it was because I converted the folder to a PDS manually and then deleted it. Thus it returned an id when I queried it again. Another example below.
Here is response from
API path: GET: http://YourURL:9047/api/v3/catalog/by-path/cdo_tz/TPD/CapIQv3
“id”: “dremio:/cdo_tz/TPD/CapIQv3/“ciqAddress””,
“path”: [
“type”: “CONTAINER”,
“containerType”: “FOLDER”
For the ID to work you have to remove the punctuation (you probably know this but there are others like me)
So this id
“id”: “dremio:/cdo_tz/TPD/CapIQv3/“ciqAddress””,
replace : with %3A
replace / with %2F
“id”: “dremio%3A%2Fcdo_tz%2FTPD%2FCapIQv3%2FciqAddress”,
POST: http://YourURL:9047/api/v3/catalog/dremio%3A%2Fcdo_tz%2FTPD%2FCapIQv3%2FciqAddress
To Create PDS
Raw Body:
“entityType”: “dataset”,
“id”: “dremio%3A%2Fcdo_tz%2FTPD%2FCapIQv3%2FciqAddress”,
“path”: [
"format": {
"type": "Parquet"