AssertionError: Field ordinal X is invalid for type Y

Hello everyone,

I have been running my queries for several months without issues. However since some days I repeatedly get errors like the following:

AssertionError: Field ordinal 9 is invalid for type 'RecordType(BIGINT id)'

The queries are run on a PSQL-DB (of Alfresco).

Does anyone know how to resolve this?
Today I upgraded to Dremio 20.0 but the error persists.


  • Running the same query directly on the PSQL-DB does not lead to any problems.
  • For testing I switched back to 4.9.1-202010230218060541-2e764ed0 → the query works here!

Muffex (13.6 KB)

@Muffex Can you try running the below 4 commands and then retry query and see if it wporks?

ALTER PDS Alfresco.public.alf_child_assoc REFRESH METADATA FORCE UPDATE
ALTER PDS Alfresco.public.alf_node_properties REFRESH METADATA FORCE UPDATE

Hello @balaji.ramaswamy,

thank you very much for your reply! Your four commands were executed successfully.

However, my query fails with the same error.


  • I replaced the persistent data of my 20.0 instance with the (working) data of my 4.9.1 instance (and ran: /opt/dremio/bin/dremio-admin upgrade) → same error as before


@Muffex Is there a PG table used in the query that has a column called ID? would you be able to send the CREATE TABLE DDL for the PG tables involved in this query?

Hello @balaji.ramaswamy,

the tables alf_child_assoc, alf_node and alf_qname contain “id” columns.

DDLs of the four involved tables:


CREATE TABLE public.alf_child_assoc (
	id int8 NOT NULL,
	"version" int8 NOT NULL,
	parent_node_id int8 NOT NULL,
	type_qname_id int8 NOT NULL,
	child_node_name_crc int8 NOT NULL,
	child_node_name varchar(50) NOT NULL,
	child_node_id int8 NOT NULL,
	qname_ns_id int8 NOT NULL,
	qname_localname varchar(255) NOT NULL,
	qname_crc int8 NOT NULL,
	is_primary bool NULL,
	assoc_index int4 NULL,
	CONSTRAINT alf_child_assoc_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
CREATE INDEX fk_alf_cass_cnode ON public.alf_child_assoc (child_node_id);
CREATE INDEX fk_alf_cass_qnns ON public.alf_child_assoc (qname_ns_id);
CREATE INDEX fk_alf_cass_tqn ON public.alf_child_assoc (type_qname_id);
CREATE INDEX idx_alf_cass_pnode ON public.alf_child_assoc (parent_node_id,assoc_index,id);
CREATE INDEX idx_alf_cass_pri ON public.alf_child_assoc (parent_node_id,is_primary,child_node_id);
CREATE INDEX idx_alf_cass_qncrc ON public.alf_child_assoc (qname_crc,type_qname_id,parent_node_id);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX parent_node_id ON public.alf_child_assoc (parent_node_id,type_qname_id,child_node_name_crc,child_node_name);

-- public.alf_child_assoc foreign keys

ALTER TABLE public.alf_child_assoc ADD CONSTRAINT fk_alf_cass_cnode FOREIGN KEY (child_node_id) REFERENCES public.alf_node(id);
ALTER TABLE public.alf_child_assoc ADD CONSTRAINT fk_alf_cass_pnode FOREIGN KEY (parent_node_id) REFERENCES public.alf_node(id);
ALTER TABLE public.alf_child_assoc ADD CONSTRAINT fk_alf_cass_qnns FOREIGN KEY (qname_ns_id) REFERENCES public.alf_namespace(id);
ALTER TABLE public.alf_child_assoc ADD CONSTRAINT fk_alf_cass_tqn FOREIGN KEY (type_qname_id) REFERENCES public.alf_qname(id);


CREATE TABLE public.alf_node (
	id int8 NOT NULL,
	"version" int8 NOT NULL,
	store_id int8 NOT NULL,
	uuid varchar(36) NOT NULL,
	transaction_id int8 NOT NULL,
	type_qname_id int8 NOT NULL,
	locale_id int8 NOT NULL,
	acl_id int8 NULL,
	audit_creator varchar(255) NULL,
	audit_created varchar(30) NULL,
	audit_modifier varchar(255) NULL,
	audit_modified varchar(30) NULL,
	audit_accessed varchar(30) NULL,
	CONSTRAINT alf_node_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
CREATE INDEX fk_alf_node_acl ON public.alf_node (acl_id);
CREATE INDEX fk_alf_node_loc ON public.alf_node (locale_id);
CREATE INDEX fk_alf_node_store ON public.alf_node (store_id);
CREATE INDEX idx_alf_node_cor ON public.alf_node (audit_creator,store_id,type_qname_id,id);
CREATE INDEX idx_alf_node_crd ON public.alf_node (audit_created,store_id,type_qname_id,id);
CREATE INDEX idx_alf_node_mdq ON public.alf_node (store_id,type_qname_id,id);
CREATE INDEX idx_alf_node_mod ON public.alf_node (audit_modified,store_id,type_qname_id,id);
CREATE INDEX idx_alf_node_mor ON public.alf_node (audit_modifier,store_id,type_qname_id,id);
CREATE INDEX idx_alf_node_tqn ON public.alf_node (type_qname_id,store_id,id);
CREATE INDEX idx_alf_node_txn ON public.alf_node (transaction_id);
CREATE INDEX idx_alf_node_txn_type ON public.alf_node (transaction_id,type_qname_id);
CREATE INDEX idx_alf_node_ver ON public.alf_node ("version");
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX store_id ON public.alf_node (store_id,uuid);

-- public.alf_node foreign keys

ALTER TABLE public.alf_node ADD CONSTRAINT fk_alf_node_acl FOREIGN KEY (acl_id) REFERENCES public.alf_access_control_list(id);
ALTER TABLE public.alf_node ADD CONSTRAINT fk_alf_node_loc FOREIGN KEY (locale_id) REFERENCES public.alf_locale(id);
ALTER TABLE public.alf_node ADD CONSTRAINT fk_alf_node_store FOREIGN KEY (store_id) REFERENCES public.alf_store(id);
ALTER TABLE public.alf_node ADD CONSTRAINT fk_alf_node_tqn FOREIGN KEY (type_qname_id) REFERENCES public.alf_qname(id);
ALTER TABLE public.alf_node ADD CONSTRAINT fk_alf_node_txn FOREIGN KEY (transaction_id) REFERENCES public.alf_transaction(id);


CREATE TABLE public.alf_node_properties (
	node_id int8 NOT NULL,
	actual_type_n int4 NOT NULL,
	persisted_type_n int4 NOT NULL,
	boolean_value bool NULL,
	long_value int8 NULL,
	float_value float4 NULL,
	double_value float8 NULL,
	string_value varchar(1024) NULL,
	serializable_value bytea NULL,
	qname_id int8 NOT NULL,
	list_index int4 NOT NULL,
	locale_id int8 NOT NULL,
	CONSTRAINT alf_node_properties_pkey PRIMARY KEY (node_id,qname_id,list_index,locale_id)
CREATE INDEX fk_alf_nprop_loc ON public.alf_node_properties (locale_id);
CREATE INDEX fk_alf_nprop_n ON public.alf_node_properties (node_id);
CREATE INDEX fk_alf_nprop_qn ON public.alf_node_properties (qname_id);
CREATE INDEX idx_alf_nprop_b ON public.alf_node_properties (qname_id,boolean_value,node_id);
CREATE INDEX idx_alf_nprop_d ON public.alf_node_properties (qname_id,double_value,node_id);
CREATE INDEX idx_alf_nprop_f ON public.alf_node_properties (qname_id,float_value,node_id);
CREATE INDEX idx_alf_nprop_l ON public.alf_node_properties (qname_id,long_value,node_id);
CREATE INDEX idx_alf_nprop_s ON public.alf_node_properties (qname_id,string_value,node_id);

-- public.alf_node_properties foreign keys

ALTER TABLE public.alf_node_properties ADD CONSTRAINT fk_alf_nprop_loc FOREIGN KEY (locale_id) REFERENCES public.alf_locale(id);
ALTER TABLE public.alf_node_properties ADD CONSTRAINT fk_alf_nprop_n FOREIGN KEY (node_id) REFERENCES public.alf_node(id);
ALTER TABLE public.alf_node_properties ADD CONSTRAINT fk_alf_nprop_qn FOREIGN KEY (qname_id) REFERENCES public.alf_qname(id);


CREATE TABLE public.alf_qname (
	id int8 NOT NULL,
	"version" int8 NOT NULL,
	ns_id int8 NOT NULL,
	local_name varchar(200) NOT NULL,
	CONSTRAINT alf_qname_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ns_id ON public.alf_qname (ns_id,local_name);

-- public.alf_qname foreign keys

ALTER TABLE public.alf_qname ADD CONSTRAINT fk_alf_qname_ns FOREIGN KEY (ns_id) REFERENCES public.alf_namespace(id);


Hey @balaji.ramaswamy,

Are the DDLs I sent the ones you meant?


Hello Muffex,

I tried to repro the issue but was unable to, seems like fre Table DDL are still missing, specially I am unable to run the statements (Alter statements)

Kartik Nadar

Hello @Kartik_Nadar,

I am eager to provide the information you need but don’t understand what is missing. I copied all DDLs from the PSQL-Tables (from my PSQL-DB-Tool) and pasted them into my previous post. For me the alter statements did finish successfully (within dremio).

Best Muffex

@Muffex No need for more info, we will look into this

1 Like

Hello @balaji.ramaswamy,

the issue persists with the current docker image (2 months old).

I can circumvent the assertionError (in one of my queries) by ommiting one of my subselects and replacing it with the “hard-coded” value of that subselect. This however, leads to another error. The new error is referring to issues with a longer “CONCAT”.

The same query can be executed in 4.9.1 without issues.


The issue persists with v22.1.1.

The issue persists with v23.1.

At first I tried deleting and re-creating the tables from the query on my initial dremio instance (v4.9.1) Then I set up a completely new dremio docker instance (v23.1), added the psql-source and created a space with the needed tables.

AssertionError: Field ordinal 9 is invalid for type 'RecordType(BIGINT id)'

The queries are still sent to the same PSQL-DB.

Any updates regarding this?

I have by now made three additional attempts.

I tried to set up the Dremio-Container on two other VM on other physical server. → same issue
I tried to use another PSQL-DB (Alfresco) running on other server. → same issue

What am I doing wrong?

Maybe my query causes the issue?

SELECT wikiNode.uuid, wikiNodePropName.string_value AS title
                FROM (SELECT *
                      FROM alfresco_alfNode
                      WHERE audit_creator <> 'System' AND store_id = 6) AS n
                  JOIN alfresco_alfQname AS nodeType ON ( = n.type_qname_id AND nodeType.local_name = 'site')
                  JOIN alfresco_alfChildAssoc AS aca ON (aca.parent_node_id =
                  JOIN alfresco_alfNode AS wikiNode ON (aca.child_node_id = AND wikiNode.type_qname_id IN (SELECT id
                                                                                                                       FROM alfresco_alfQname
                                                                                                                       WHERE local_name = 'folder'))
                  JOIN alfresco_alfNodeProperties AS wikiNodePropName ON (wikiNodePropName.node_id =
                WHERE wikiNodePropName.qname_id IN (SELECT id
                                                    FROM alfresco_alfQname
                                                    WHERE local_name = 'name')
                  AND wikiNodePropName.string_value = 'wiki'

@Muffex I do not think you are doing anything wrong. Does this query work when directly run via psql?

when running the query directly on the psql-db (via DBeaver) the query works fine. The issue occurs when using a space and views. There is one view for each psql table.

I have now tried sending the query directly via Dremio to the psql-db (source) and get the same error. So this issue seems not to be related to the spaces/views but rather the connection between dremio and psql. For this I also set up a new VM running ubuntu and docker (instead of Redhat and Docker).

@Muffex Are you able to send the profile?


sure. Attached you can find the profile.

regards (13.7 KB)

@Muffex Is column id have different datatypes across datasets?


thanks for your answer. The datatype of all id columns is int8 in psql. Dremio recognises those as correctly as numeric data types.
