ClassCastException while executing select query on DREMIO view

While executing select query on DREMIO view, it throws ClassCastException.
I understand it is happening while reading the parquet files. But what does this ClassCastException for null indicates. There are different date folders under which parquet files for different dates are present. Is it trying to cast a column with null value to some type and failing. I want to know in which situation such error occurs

Location 1:3:5
Location 1:3:5
Fragment 1:0

[Error Id: 11056e8f-0051-4712-8ce5-c294e5899749 on]

(java.lang.ClassCastException) null

@Vinod What version of Dremio is this? Are there mixed types in your Parquet file? Can you try with 18 or 19?