Dremio elastic full text search

Whether dremio supports full-text search in all columns using Lucene expression?

Seems below URL shows it is in development, In which version can except this feature


Is your source elasticsearch? Do you have a query that is not getting push down?

Able to share a profile?

Yes, my source elastic search. I need search in all the columns in elastic search.
Tried like below example and attached the query profile below for your reference.

SELECT * FROM doc where contains(‘config’)

79055ec4-3ef9-43a0-a0a1-a7a4d533d653.zip (19.8 KB)


It does seems like we are pushing down the FILTER, what is that you are not seeing in the output? Rows or columns? I see query is returning zero records, is that the wrong result?

“from” : 0,
“size” : 4000,
“query” : {
“query_string” : {
“query” : “‘config’”,
“fields” : ,
“use_dis_max” : true,
“tie_breaker” : 0.0,
“default_operator” : “or”,
“auto_generate_phrase_queries” : false,
“max_determinized_states” : 10000,
“enable_position_increments” : true,
“fuzziness” : “AUTO”,
“fuzzy_prefix_length” : 0,
“fuzzy_max_expansions” : 50,
“phrase_slop” : 0,
“escape” : false,
“split_on_whitespace” : true,
“boost” : 1.0

The above query which I tried to search all columns in the elastic search index is right? Yes the result is wrong


I see the behavior. It also looks that is not one of the SQL functions that support. Is your aim to search for a certain word across all columns?

Yes, Aim is to search a certain word in all the columns.