Drop Branch privileges

What privilege does a user need to be able to drop a branch in an Arctic catalog?

The “drop branch” page doesn’t say: DROP BRANCH | Dremio Documentation

When I test dropping a branch, it seems the user needs “ownership” privileges on the Arctic catalog. Do I understand that correctly?

Detailed repro steps:
Give a user all privileges on the Arctic catalog:

  • dremio web UI > arctic catalogs > click the “cog” to get to the catalog settings > Privileges > add user and click all the boxes (but don’t change ownership to this user)

Then create a branch, merge it, then try to delete it:

-- this will succeed
create branch IF NOT EXISTS josh_test in analytics;

-- this will succeed
merge BRANCH josh_test in analytics;

-- this will fail with "NessieForbiddenException: FORBIDDEN (HTTP/403): Failed Access Check (HTTP/403): Delete reference is not allowed on reference 'josh_test'"
drop BRANCH josh_test in analytics;

Then change ownership of the catalog to the user and try to drop the branch:

-- this will now work
drop BRANCH josh_test in analytics;