I am trying to install Dremio in Kubernetes using Helm (I have followed this guide). As the distirbuted storage, I am using a S3 compatible object store hosted in a Dell EMC PowerScale.
I have some troubles with the master pod (it is the dremio-master-0 pod). In fact, during the inital phase, it returns this error:
org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileAlreadyExistsException: Path is a file: s3a://dremio-bucket/uploads
What is the reason for this error? Has anyone experienced a similar issue?
In case it would be helpful, I provide the distirbuted storage configuration values entered in the values file of the Dremio helm chart:
type: "aws"
bucketName: "dremio-bucket"
path: "/"
authentication: "accessKeySecret"
accessKey: "XXXX"
secret: "YYYY"
extraProperties: |
Thanks to anyone that will replay.