For anyone else with this issue - this is specific to MySQL 8. The workaround is to use EXTERNAL_QUERY capabilities in Dremio and to specify at least one WHERE condition in the external query:
TABLE (source_name.EXTERNAL_QUERY('SELECT * FROM db.table WHERE id > 0))
Hi @klemens As this is being investigated on Dremio Cloud chat and currently under investigation by our engineering team if this is a release specific issue or mysql version8 specific. To avoid duplication, further we will also share the details on this Thread.
I’ve recently added a MySQL 8 source to our dremio account and experienced the same issue outline around feb 2024 - any further insight here would be greatly appreciated. (The external query works but we would prefer avoiding this workaround if possible)
@nate-mm Does this happen on all tables? or tables with wide columns? or lots of rows? Can you please send the server.log from the coordinator when this issue happened?
We’re experiencing this on Dremio Cloud so no server.log for us to share.
Data itself was a large number of rows and 55columns wide. Issue only happens on some tables but row count doesnt seem to be directly coorelated with the issue.
@nate-mm Can you try to decrease the record fetch size to say 50 and Maximum Idle Connections to say 4 , save source and then try the table settings again?