Hi I’ve succesfully setup dremio oss on kubernetes with minio as distributed storage. The dremio bucket is populated so dremio can connect to minio.
I have an extra bucket on that minio, in which I have ingested an iceberg table with embedded metadata (no nessie).
Now I’m trying to connect S3 datasource pointing to that bucket. I’ve followed the documentation and added compatibility mode and added the properties fs.s3a.path.style.access and fs.s3a.endpoint taking care not to add the http or s3 (e.g. datalake-minio:9000)
I’m experiencing all sorts of issues. When saving I get something like “This may take a few minutes , then it fails”. Logs on the dremio pod shows what seem to be lock issues and ssl issues.
com.dremio.common.exceptions.UserException: Unable to acquire source change lock for source [asd] within timeout.
at com.dremio.common.exceptions.UserException$Builder.build(UserException.java:984)
at com.dremio.exec.catalog.CatalogServiceImpl.getDistributedLock(CatalogServiceImpl.java:671)
at com.dremio.exec.catalog.CatalogServiceImpl.updateSource(CatalogServiceImpl.java:557)
at com.dremio.exec.catalog.CatalogServiceImpl$SourceModifier.updateSource(CatalogServiceImpl.java:974)
at com.dremio.exec.catalog.CatalogImpl.updateSource(CatalogImpl.java:2526)
at com.dremio.exec.catalog.SourceAccessChecker.updateSource(SourceAccessChecker.java:480)
Unable to execute HTTP request: Unsupported or unrecognized SSL message
What is going on? How can i debug this? Why is dremio able to connect minio as distributed storage, but not as s3 datasource.