I’m getting a Memory Leak error when I try to create a VDS. My VDS is built by a script using the API, and should bring loooots of data. Bellow goes a query sample.
My cluster is:
1x Coordinator - EC2 m5d.xlarge
- 4 vCPU 16 Gb
2x Executors - EC2 m5d.xlarge
- 8 vCPU 32 Gb
Dremio env and full log attached.
Dremio doesn’t suppose to spill this kind of query? If I break my query on more “levels” of VDS it should be lighter? (6.1 KB)
Hi @allan.sene
We only spill query execution on direct memory for certain operators. In your case you are running out of heap memory, see below
2019-04-26 21:20:22,485 [233c8a37-062f-d6a9-de30-70332d63d700:foreman] ERROR ROOT - Dremio is exiting. There was insufficient heap memory to continue operating.
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
You should have .hprof file generated. Should be under the log folder of Dremio. Assuming this is a non-yarn deployment. You can use jhat to parse your hprof and see why so much heap was getting used
I also see your memory limits are at default and heap is at 4 GB and direct is at 8GB. What is the total RAM on the box.
A simple calculation would be to leave 2 GB for the OS, give 8 GB of heap to Dremio and remaining to direct
Node |
AWS EC2 Instance |
vCPUs |
1x Coordinator |
EC2 m5d.xlarge |
4 vCPU |
16 Gb RAM |
2x Executors |
EC2 m5d.xlarge |
8 vCPU |
32 Gb RAM |
A simple calculation would be to leave 2 GB for the OS, give 8 GB of heap to Dremio and remaining to direct
This configuration is supposed to be for both node types (Executor and Coordinator)?
Hi @allan.sene
If you have a pretty big metadata set that you are working on then for coordinator set heap at 16 GB while for the executor at 8 GB
Ok, @balaji.ramaswamy. Gonna try this and bring back the results. Thanks for helping!
Didn’t work, @balaji.ramaswamy. Did you notice that my query has lots of UNIONS ALL? Maybe if I create some intermediate VDS in between it works, makes sense? 
When I crop my SQL to UNION ALL less VDSs, on a yearly basis, for example, it works… I don’t really understand why, but Dremio was supposed to handle this by himself inside the query planner, right?