New error in dremio 2.1.6

Node [rel#16705:Subset#89.PHYSICAL.SINGLETON([]).[]] could not be implemented; planner state: Root: rel#16705:Subset#89.PHYSICAL.SINGLETON([]).[] Original rel: ScreenRel(subset=[rel#16705:Subset#89.PHYSICAL.SINGLETON([]).[]]): rowcount = 1.0E9, cumulative cost = {5.715199040100001E13 rows, 4.863320643271512E12 cpu, 8.8E11 io, 8.8E11 network, 7.933818156E11 memory}, id = 16703 WriterRel(subset=[rel#16702:Subset#88.LOGICAL.ANY([]).[]]): rowcount = 1.0E9, cumulative cost = {5.715189040100001E13 rows, 4.863220643271512E12 cpu, 8.8E11 io, 8.8E11 network, 7.933818156E11 memory}, id = 16701 ProjectRel(subset=[rel#16700:Subset#87.LOGICAL.ANY([]).[]], student_username=[$36], student_unique_id=[$37], first_name=[$35], last_name=[$34], points_received=[$17], max_points=[$18], score=[$19], school_name=[$31], course_name=[$28], section_name=[$25], section_id=[$23], school_id=[CAST(627420651):BIGINT]): rowcount = 1.0E9, cumulative cost = {5.715089040100001E13 rows, 4.862220643271512E12 cpu, 8.8E11 io, 8.8E11 network, 7.933818156E11 memory}, id = 16699 JoinRel(subset=[rel#16698:Subset#86.LOGICAL.ANY([]).[]], condition=[AND(=($5, $33), =

The rest of the error is in the attachment (18.0 KB)
This query was working on 2.0.5 and after upgraging I see this error

Can you please provide the profile for the failing query?

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Here is the profile: (101.6 KB)