New Ubuntu install will not start

I installed dremio-community-2.0.1rc-201804132202000759-10b1de0-mapr.tar on Ubuntu with the below numbers

Description: Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS
Release: 16.04
Codename: xenial

This install is to simply be a single node using internal zookeeper and no Mapr

Starting Dremio the first time, /opt/dremio/log/server.out has the below error - Prior to any subsequent start attempts, I must delete the ${DREMIO_HOME}/data/db directory

Wed Apr 18 16:49:36 UTC 2018 Starting dremio on anaconda
core file size (blocks, -c) 0
data seg size (kbytes, -d) unlimited
scheduling priority (-e) 0
file size (blocks, -f) unlimited
pending signals (-i) 64134
max locked memory (kbytes, -l) 64
max memory size (kbytes, -m) unlimited
open files (-n) 1024
pipe size (512 bytes, -p) 8
POSIX message queues (bytes, -q) 819200
real-time priority (-r) 0
stack size (kbytes, -s) 8192
cpu time (seconds, -t) unlimited
max user processes (-u) 64134
virtual memory (kbytes, -v) unlimited
file locks (-x) unlimited
Catastrophic failure occurred. Exiting. Information follows: Failed to start services, daemon exiting.
java.lang.RuntimeException: Failure while attempting to create com.dremio.service.users.SimpleUserService.
at com.dremio.service.BinderImpl$InjectableReference.get(
at com.dremio.service.BinderImpl.lookup(
at com.dremio.service.BinderImpl$DeferredProvider.get(
at com.dremio.exec.server.ContextService.newSabotContext(
at com.dremio.exec.server.ContextService.start(
at com.dremio.service.SingletonRegistry$AbstractServiceReference.start(
at com.dremio.service.ServiceRegistry.start(
at com.dremio.service.SingletonRegistry.start(
at com.dremio.dac.daemon.DACDaemon.startServices(
at com.dremio.dac.daemon.DACDaemon.init(
at com.dremio.dac.daemon.DremioDaemon.main(
Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
at com.dremio.service.BinderImpl$InjectableReference.get(
… 10 more
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Unknown store creator com.dremio.service.users.SimpleUserService$UserGroupStoreBuilder
at com.dremio.datastore.LocalKVStoreProvider.getStore(
at com.dremio.service.users.SimpleUserService.(
… 15 more

It seems like you are using our MapR install file (mapr.tar) yet you mentioned you are planning to use internal ZK with no MapR integration. Can you re-download the non-MapR install and try again - ?

OK, Dumb mistake.