So I have a cluster up and running Dremio on Kubernetes and we are testing the scale. Optimally we would like to process 1TB worth of data on Dremio cluster and at this point, I have been facing issues in processing just 1GB of data.
The errors I run into is mostly JVM Heap max reached.
below is the values.yaml file I have deployed at the moment, the server i am running is currently a cluster of 10 AWS m4.2xlarge (8CPU, 16 GiG RAM).
I even tried raising the Heap value env by editing _helpers.tpl
{{- else if ge $input 9216 -}}
{{ sub $input 4096 }}
{{- else if ge $input 9216 -}}
Is there a sample/optimal dataset that i can run and test and see how the server is performing or somehow increase the performance?
image: dremio/dremio-oss
memory: 1024
cpu: 1
count: 0
# This value should NOT be set to more than 1.
master_count: 1
port: 9047
port: 31010
volumeSize: 80Gi
memory: 9216
cpu: 3
count: 5
volumeSize: 80Gi
storageClass: portworx-sc-high