Query is getting cancelled after 30 sec when run from ODBC client

Getting below error
"ERROR [HY000] [Apache Arrow][Dremio Server] (100) Flight returned timeout error, with message: Deadline Exceeded.

In UI I see that Query is getting canceled after 30 secs

@balaji.ramaswamy - Maybe I am missing some property on server level or client level, I tried searching but unable to find any solution to this. Could you please update on this?

@mohanmane Can you please job profile from the UI?

this is caused by bad config a client level, please set CommandTimeout

string driver = "Arrow Flight SQL ODBC Driver";
string query =
" SELECT * from  example.MY_TABLE";
OdbcCommand command = new OdbcCommand(query);
int reg = 0;
int error = 0;

using (OdbcConnection connection = new OdbcConnection("Driver=" + driver +
//CommandTimeout es el que se debe configurar para que la consulta no se interrumpa (tiempo en segundos)//
command.CommandTimeout = 500000;
command.Connection = connection;
OdbcDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();

Thanks, I was also assuming it was issue with the client, I was able to run query with JDBC driver without any issue, it was error only with ODBC. I will try setting the timeout in my client & test.