Hello Team,
I am currently using Dremio version 25.0.5 with MySQL 5.7.32, and I have observed an behavior while executing queries.
When running the following query:
SELECT Cust_Sub_Id
, Event_Date
FROM Voice_Seg_Fct
WHERE Event_Date
= ‘2024-04-11’;
I noticed that the query plan displayed by Dremio is as follows:
SELECT Cust_Sub_Id
, Event_Date
FROM Voice_Seg_Fct
) AS Voice_Seg_Fct
WHERE Event_Date
= ‘2024-04-11’;
I have a couple of observations and questions regarding this:
Is it possible to avoid the creation of the derived table as shown in the Dremio query plan?
Could the use of derived tables impact memory usage or performance?
I would appreciate any insights or recommendations you might have on these observations.
Thank you for your assistance.
Best regards,
Ajay Babu Maguluri.