Query works from REST but not from the UI

We have a query that works fine from the REST API but the same query fails from the UI.

Attached is the profile that works OK:

2e2f365a-52bd-4977-872b-420200fd0e2f.zip (72.0 KB)

Attached is the profile that fails in the UI (same query):

c6c970e3-eab8-44c7-8c12-5100f3fe56db.zip (225.3 KB)

This is running 3.1

Hi @jhaynie

Your query via failed due to lack of direct memory

  Query was cancelled because it exceeded the memory limits set by the administrator. Expected at least 8.61GB bytes, but only had 8.00GB available.

Could it be possible that when you were running the query via UI, there was some other bigger query or reflection refresh happening in the backend? You can click on jobs and check all job types like the screenshot below and confirm that


No, I ran them in insolation.

Can you try run instead of preview?

run seems to work OK