Hi, recently I noticed that the document says that Dremio needs about 8 cores of CPU and 16GB of memeory for the master coordinator, 4 cores of CPU and 16 GB of memory for the executor
but from the dremio_v2 helm chart on Github dremio/dremio-cloud-tools, which I believe is a official helm chart that will also deploy Dremio on k8s cluster, has default resource requirement that set both the coordinator and executor to about 15 cores of CPU and 120+ GB of memory.
Why is there such a big requirement difference?
And why is there also such a big resource requirement difference between the standalone cluster deployment and kubernetes deployment?
Seems that the standalone cluster version needs 16 CPU and 120+ GB of memory per node to operate and meanwhile according to the document the k8s version needs ways less resources to deploy, like 8 core of CPU and 16 GB memory, why?