I can’t query my elastic index with elastic 6.0…
Any ideas
DATA_READ ERROR: Failure executing Elastic request get next search result. Request: ScrollId DXF1ZXJ5QW5kRmV0Y2gBAAAAAAAAA0AWY0p0MWJIMzBSaC1fTEd6X2ZfZHJidw== Response Status 406 Response Reason Not Acceptable Response Body {“error”:“Content-Type header [text/plain] is not supported”,“status”:406} SqlOperatorImpl ELASTICSEARCH_SUB_SCAN Location 1:0:5 Fragment 1:0 [Error Id: 1817fec8-649d-477f-a339-9f5271ca8acf on localhost:31010] (javax.ws.rs.NotAcceptableException) HTTP 406 Not Acceptable org.glassfish.jersey.client.JerseyInvocation.convertToException():1026 …
AND it works with elastic 5.6.
it must be a ‘Content-Type header [text/plain]’ error but i’ve no idea to solve it…