Restrict Dremio admins to access data sources


In Dremio, is it possible to restrict Dremio administrators to access data sources and data sets? If we have some highly confidential data is it possible to prevent users (even the admins) to access this data?



“Administrators” will have access to anything and everything except a user’s private home dir. If you want to restrict access from an object level (VDS/source), they would have to be users.

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Hi @Kon,

What is the data source you are working with ?


Hi @balaji.ramaswamy,

So as I understand, no one else can see the content in the user’s private home. Only that specific user.

The CSV / Excel files uploaded by the user and any other data sets to the personal space will not be accessible by any one (including admins)

However, the connections to the databases (cloud or on-premise) will be visible by the admins.

I’m working with MySQL and Oracle databases.



Hi @Kon

For RDBMS sources like Oracle/MySQL, currently we do not have impersonation so he only way to do this is via sharing. This is an Enterprise Edition feature

On the other note on home space, yes only that user can access it


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