Hi all,
I have the below 2 queries. Both queries try to find the last row in a table.
- Query 1: Get Minimum then Self-join
with min_shareholding_data as (
SELECT sehk_code, participant_id, min(as_of_date_tz08) as as_of_date_tz08 FROM "l1-hk-trading".fact."fct_hk_stock_shareholding_history"
where as_of_date_tz08 >= '2024-01-01'
group by 1,2
select orig.as_of_date_tz08, orig.sehk_code, orig.participant_id, orig.shareholding_amount from min_shareholding_data "min"
left outer join "l1-hk-trading".fact."fct_hk_stock_shareholding_history" orig
using (sehk_code, participant_id, as_of_date_tz08)
ecd49274-91ef-49b7-824b-ffb065aed4ed.zip (109.4 KB)
Accelerated by 2 Raw Reflections, it ran for 2 seconds.
- Query 2: Use row_number() window function and get the earliest row
select as_of_date_tz08, sehk_code, participant_id, shareholding_amount from "l1-hk-trading".fact."fct_hk_stock_shareholding_history"
where as_of_date_tz08 >= '2024-01-01'
qualify row_number() over(partition by sehk_code, participant_id order by as_of_date_tz08 desc) = 1
5b1a3d2a-f52a-4036-95b2-ba75c826453a.zip (32.5 KB)
My understanding is, both queries should have run theoretically at the same speed.
Also, what puzzles mee speed. why there’s a difference in the raw reflections used.
The two raw reflections are