Test Drive Query and Arrow Flight Client issue

Hello community,

I am new here and trying to learn some basics of Dremio infrastructure.

I just got access to Test Drive Dremio - Free Trial | Dremio where a user name and password was allocated with Login page link and ODBC URL. I can add “Sample” DataLake there.

  1. How can I query the dataset: “Samples.samples.dremio.com.NYC-taxi-trips”, My SQL statements (Like: SELECT * FROM "Samples"."samples.dremio.com"."NYC-taxi-trips") are not working in Query box.

  2. I have installed all the requirements for Arrow Flight Client on my local system.

When I try to run example code with command: python3 example.py -host '<ODBC URL provided on https://www.dremio.com/test-drive/>' -user 'fundamentals' -pass 'dremio123' it gives me error like this:

/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/python/flight.cc:354: Python client middleware failed in StartCall: Index error: list index out of range. Detail: Python exception: IndexError
[ERROR] Exception: FlightUnavailableError('gRPC returned unavailable error, with message: failed to connect to all addresses',)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "example.py", line 165, in <module>
    args.password, args.sqlquery, args.tls, args.trustedCertificates)
  File "example.py", line 122, in connect_to_dremio_flight_server_endpoint
    bearer_token = client.authenticate_basic_token(username, password, initial_options)
  File "pyarrow/_flight.pyx", line 1187, in pyarrow._flight.FlightClient.authenticate_basic_token
  File "pyarrow/_flight.pyx", line 70, in pyarrow._flight.check_flight_status
pyarrow._flight.FlightUnavailableError: gRPC returned unavailable error, with message: failed to connect to all addresses

Any help will be highly appreciated! Thanks.

I have resolved the first point by saving the data first.

Still needs help regarding Arrow Flight Client.

Starting dremio first and using http://localhost:9047/ to signup for a local account resolved the issue.