Translate function is buggy?

Below case TRANSLATE() performs as expected.
SELECT TRANSLATE(‘àáâèéêíìîúùûóòô123aeiou’,‘àáâèéêíìîúùûóòô’,‘aaaeeeiiiuuuooo’);
→ aaaeeeiiiuuuooo123aeiou

Below case TRANSLATE() produces an error.

→ CompileException: Line 57, Column 106: A method named “getStringFromVarCharHolder” is not declared in any enclosing class nor any supertype, nor through a static import

Hello Borasy,

Welcome to Dremio community, I did tried the 1st Query and Yes it is giving the expected Results.
For the second one could you please help me more on the nature of the table “VW_CARD_TRANSACTION”, could you help me with the table DDL and some sample data if possible.

Also Please let us know the exact Dremio Version you are using?

Kartik Nadar

Did you find a solution ?
i’m having the same problem