Unable to create reflection on View (Version context for table x must be specified using AT SQL syntax)

Hi, we use 25.1.1 oss Dremio and in this version we are not able to create any reflections. We tried both raw and aggr.

c1a5b08d-ff90-4f1c-8f1f-37848fb42d5f.zip (8.3 KB)

Can you please help?

@jaroslav_marko Any chance you did this?

ALTER DATASET <dataset path> at branch "main" ROUTE REFLECTIONS TO ENGINE "<engine name/engineId>"

hi @balaji.ramaswamy no, it is a new view on new tables and wanted to create reflection… that’s it. and it behaves like this on more objects. i see this behavior after upgrading to 25.1.1

Hi @balaji.ramaswamy, do you have some update, please?
The issue still persists. We also upgraded to 25.2, but no change.


@jaroslav_marko Will check and get back to you

This has to do with cross catalog joins and resolving the correct version of the joined table. Before, the planner would assume the default branch but there are situations where this is ambiguous. So, if you have a cross catalog join inside of a reflection, you’ll need to explicitly state the version of the joined table. So, in this case, your reflection is anchored on a view that needs to specify the version context of the below table. Here is an example assuming you want the default MAIN branch:

nessie.DI.nessie.DI.tb_b2b_internal_data_telemetry_healthscore_fact AT BRANCH MAIN