Upgrade dremio (KVStore) running on docker compose


I am having problems upgrading Dremio on docker.

I jump into the running container and run dremio-admin backup (before the upgrade). Then I cannot run dremio-admin upgrade without stopping dremio, which is running with PID 1. If I SIGTERM it, I get kicked and the container stops. (dremio-admin stop also does not work on this use case.)

java.lang.IllegalStateException: KVStore has an older version (25.1.0-202409042012430619-15cc6471) than the server (25.1.1-202409260159070462-716c0676), please run the upgrade tool first

Thanks in advance.


  • Backup can only done when Dremio is running
  • Next step is stop Dremio, for that do not use dremio-admin stop instead use ./dremio dtop
  • Make sure dremio.conf is pointing to the right “local”
  • Then run ./dremio-admin upgrade
  • Then run ./dremio start

You should be set

Hi @balaji.ramaswamy

  • I’ve no issues with the backup. it works
  • that was a typo :slight_smile: - I am running ./dremio stop

As you can see bellow - the official Dremio docker service runs on PID 1.

dremio@40536e56963f:~$ ps -ax
      1 ?        Ssl   20:55 /opt/java/openjdk/bin/java -Djava.util.logging.config.class=org.slf4j.bridge.SLF4JBridgeHandler -Djava.library.path=/opt/dremio/lib/x
   3427 pts/0    Ss     0:00 bash
   3567 pts/0    R+     0:00 ps -ax

When I stop it, I am kicked out from the container.

dremio@40536e56963f:/opt/dremio/bin$ ./dremio stop
stopping dremio

Any recommendation? Thank you

@include Let me test this and get back to you

Hello - any feedback? kthx

@include Yes I tried to stop the continer and running into su=imilar challenges. while I figure out if this is possible in DOcker, are you able to use Kubernetes instead?

Unfortunatelly no. We use AWS ECS which is cheap and easy to maintain. No alternatives for simple use cases?

@balaji.ramaswamy is there anythink new in this topic? Im trying to upgrade from 24.3.0 to 25 and have this same issues.

Can you please try steps outlined in below post?