Hi there,
Right now, in our cluster, we leave the Memory setting as default
We un-touch all the following configs:
Since the usage of Dremio is getting higher among our company, we’re occurring more and more memory issues, especially for Full GC
5k Full GC events in 1 working day

And it happens on all the nodes
So we want to tuning the setting for the memory
I was said that depends on the role, each node will need a specific setting for the memory
My cluster consists of:
1 x master: 32cpu, 96GB
1 x coordinator: 32cpu, 96GB
3 x executor: 32cpu, 372GB
3 x executor dedicated for reflection: 32cpu, 372GB
We’ve tried to pump the specs of each node really hard, but seems like the misconfiguration of the memory is the root cause here
Please help to advice
Thank you