32000 byte field size limit on Dremio-Cloud

I’m running into this limit, and there is no way to reduce the field size.

How do I submit a request to extend this for my Dremio-Cloud project? I can’t alter the session

alter session set limits.single_field_size_bytes = 65000;

I get this error:
Field with index 11 exceeds the size limit of 32000 bytes, actual size is 32830 bytes.

This community support thread seems to indicate it’s just something someone on the Dremio side has to set for me: Queries on sys.project.history.jobs are very slow and easily hit 32000 bytes limit - #2 by Shantanu_Singh

Have you tried altering the limits through the Support Settings? If not you can go to
Settings → Support, and then in the Support Key field write limits.single_field_size_bytes:. This will give you a new field where you can enter your 65000 value and save it. I had to do something similar for my case and it worked. Hope it helps!

With Dremio-Cloud, I don’t have access to the “support” page where I would be able to enter configurables like this one. As I understand it, someone at Dremio has to do it since they need to maintain pretty tight control over these kinds of things.

@capnjosh Yes, someone will get back to you this week

Hi @capnjosh, can you provide your org_id and project_id, and I’ll get this set for you. Thanks!

I sent a direct message to @hope