Best Approach for Passing Parameters from an External Application to Execute Virtual Datasets in Dremio

Hi team,

I have a use case where I need to pass parameters from an external application to Dremio to execute specific virtual datasets based on certain conditions.
Two potential solutions I have considered are:

  • Using the REST API to dynamically update the virtual dataset with the required logic or query.

  • Defining a function in Dremio that returns specific values, and dynamically updating this function using the REST API to reflect the required logic.

Is there a standard or recommended approach for this use case? Can parameters be directly passed to a virtual dataset from an external application, or would one of the above methods be more suitable?

Thanks in Advance

Hi team,

Can you please provide an update on above issue ?

Thanks in advance

Hi Team,

Any update please?

Thanks in Advance

I would prefer using a UDF over recreating the view. Tabular UDFs are basically parameterized views. You can also create views that get dynamic values from scalar UDFs. The external application could first re-create the UDF or update some DB table and the scalar UDF queries for the latest row.