Browsing data sources with more than 1024 items stopped working

We have some data sources (SQL Server) we more than 1000 items (tables/views). As of Dremio 3.0 we are getting the following message:

Hi @akikax

Does this error show up on the home page? or happens when you click on a dataset (1 in that 1000’s)

Would you be able to send us the server.log?


Happens when you click on a Data source and then explore a schema with more than 1024 items. The data source is SQL Server. You should be able to replicate the issue.

HI @akikax

Do you also have an elastic search source?


Hi @akikax

We were able to reproduce this and we have an internal ticket open to address this. Will keep you posted


Thanks Balji, today we couldn’t do much because of this new issue (the tables/views that we need are under this schema). Plenty of workarounds for this but they are less than ideal

Okay, after having another quick look through the logs, here’s what seems to be causing the issue