I have found some performance issues on Dremio 13.0.0.
It seems to be depending on Maven build flag
Cicrumstances / Environment:
- Parquet files on S3
- Dremio running on single container (1 coordnate & 1 executer)
- unlimited RAM, CPU - running on same docker environment
- Community Build (oss-only=false): query takes 4s → see be07345e-448c-40f8-91e6-53b1ce5fe54a_Dremio13_Community.zip (44.7 KB)
- Community Build (oss-only=true): query takes 20s → see 84456787-e291-44c0-b6ae-3f5234a9a15c_Dremio13_OSSonly.zip (42.1 KB)
I do not really expect performance difference. OSS-only seems to me only restricted in the number of adapter for data sources!?
Thanks in advanced for any hints regarding that issues or my personal expectations.