CALL FOR: Participants for Dremio's Platform Admin Focus Group

Provide feedback and influence Dremio’s roadmap in the administration area!

Dremio is starting a focus group for admins who are responsible for keeping Dremio up and running for their end users. This may include but is not limited to performing tasks such as deploying & upgrading Dremio, scaling nodes, and configuring WLM.

The time commitment will be 1 hour every month. This time will be used to hear concerns about managing your Dremio deployment and to get your feedback on proposals and designs for upcoming features. Participants will receive Dremio focus group swag!

Reply to this thread or DM me if you’re interested in participating.


@isha This is awesome. I’m in! Thanks!

Thanks @pwoodson! Looking forward to having you in the focus group.
I’ll contact you directly with more information within the next week.