Can metadata support to storage in mysql?

Can metadata support to storage in mysql?

Dremio uses RocksDb for metadata storage, it is a solid database, sufficient for Dremio metadata.
Why you need storage in mysql?


Currently we only support the internal built in KV store RocksDB


It’s easy to deploy dremio, since dbs like mysql are native supported by all cloud providers.
And we are already using mysql for my product.

Will be supported in the future?

It’s not easy to deploy the storage of metadata .

why not easy? you not need nothing to make it, dremio automatically make it using internal rocksDB.
Storage dremio metadata in external storage is not necesary.
or are you confusing metadata storage with cluster Distributed Store?

There’is no external disk for mounting, and nfs is complex for me.


Could you help me, there’s any other easy method for metadata storage?


Currently no


It’s will be greater if support store metadata in database like mysql.