Channel closed user client warning

When I try to sync dremio schemas into metabase using the metabase-dremio community driver, this happens, any idea why?

dremio_1 | 2022-08-12 02:22:24,459 [UserServer-1] WARN c.dremio.sabot.rpc.user.UserSession - Ignoring unknown property: PORT
dremio_1 | 2022-08-12 02:22:24,459 [UserServer-1] WARN c.dremio.sabot.rpc.user.UserSession - Ignoring unknown property: ENCRYPT
dremio_1 | 2022-08-12 02:22:24,459 [UserServer-1] WARN c.dremio.sabot.rpc.user.UserSession - Ignoring unknown property: DIRECT
dremio_1 | 2022-08-12 02:22:24,459 [UserServer-1] WARN c.dremio.sabot.rpc.user.UserSession - Ignoring unknown property: HOST
dremio_1 | 2022-08-12 02:22:24,459 [UserServer-1] WARN c.dremio.sabot.rpc.user.UserSession - Ignoring unknown property: LOGINTIMEOUT
dremio_1 | 2022-08-12 02:22:24,459 [UserServer-1] WARN c.dremio.sabot.rpc.user.UserSession - Ignoring unknown property: SENDTIMEASDATETIME
dremio_1 | 2022-08-12 02:22:24,459 [UserServer-1] WARN c.dremio.sabot.rpc.user.UserSession - Ignoring unknown property: TYPE
dremio_1 | 2022-08-12 02:22:24,459 [UserServer-1] WARN c.dremio.sabot.rpc.user.UserSession - Ignoring unknown property: APPLICATIONNAME
dremio_1 | 2022-08-12 02:22:24,460 [UserServer-1] INFO c.d.sabot.rpc.user.UserRPCServer - [USER]: Channel closed / <–> / (user client)
dremio_1 | 2022-08-12 02:22:24,461 [UserServer-1] INFO com.dremio.ConnectionLog - [121ffbb1-210e-4959-a6f3-293681bedb9f] Connection Closed

@swakv Are you facing your client session getting disconnected? This is just a INFO level message that your client session was terminated. The WARN is on unknown property set

It does not say anything about getting disconnected. Both Dremio and Metabase seem to be working find otherwise.

@swakv You are good then