Connect Dremio with hive-metastore running on localhost

Hi @lalitp ,
you supply the properties to dremio by

(1) copying your hive-site.xml, along with your hadoop’s core-site.xml, hdfs-site.xml, and mapred-site.xml into dremio’s conf directory and then also

(2) creating a $DREMIO_INSTALL_DIR/plugins/connectors/<HIVE-PLUGIN-ID>/ directory, where <HIVE-PLUGIN-ID> is one of:
depending on whether you’re using dremio OSS (no “-ee” in the hive plugin id) or dremio enerprise, and whether your datasource is hive 2 or hive 3 (see Dremio for more info).

After you create that directory, then
(3) Create this symlink:
$ ln -s $DREMIO_INSTALL_DIR/conf $DREMIO_INSTALL_DIR/plugins/connectors/<HIVE-PLUGIN-ID>/conf

For you/the dremio user to actually see the hive data in the Dremio UI, you need to have impersonation configured, as described here: Dremio

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