Hi, I connected Dremio 3.2.1 to Hive successfully, but since we upgraded hive to version 1.1 with active directory, and now I am unable to add a new source that connects to hive, nor to hdfs.
Can Dremio 3.2.1 connect to Hive 1.1 with active directory, or do I have to upgrade both Hive and Dremio?
Dremio 3.2 should be able to connect to Dremio 1.1
Only from Dremio 4.1 we are unable to connect to Dremio 1.x
Could you provide server.log after the error happens
Hello, thanks for the reply
the problem is creating the hive source, i get an error while creating it, and server.log is not appended.
seems the problem is with the values that I input, and I cant find an example or instructions for configuring dremio 3.2.1 with hive 1.1
If it is not a kerberized cluster, then all you need is “Hive metastore host” and port. If it is Kerberized, you need the principal
Have you entered the above
The Hive is kerberized, and I entered the principal, but still I couldnt connect .
I’ll be glad to see a an example that works, maybe my syntax isnt correct
Are you entering the meta store principal from hive-site.xml?
I dont know what you mean by hive site xml
If you go to your Hive configuration files, look for “hive.metastore.kerberos.principal”, will have a value like “hive/_HOST@EXAMPLE.COM”