Hi Team, we countered some connection issue when using Dremio jdbc Driver.
In dremio.conf file, the exact zookeeper line is as below:
zookeeper: “hostd00025.company.com:1234,hoste00026.company.com:1234,hostf00027.company.com:1234/DremioEE”
And it does not work for the Database URL that exactly same as the zookeeper configure in Dremio.conf file like below
But the connection works if we config like below:
Can you please let me know why? And Why we cannot use the exact zookeeper line config in DBVisualizer connection?
Seems the JDBC connection is like below:
What is the difference and which one is better. Thanks.
@dolphinlei Couple of things,
Do you have multiple coordinators connecting to the same ZK Quorum? If not then you can simply use the below in both dremio.conf and DBVisualizer
services.coordinator.master.embedded-zookeeper.enabled: false
zookeeper: "<host1>:2181,<host2>:2181"
Also, the last word on the path needs to be /dremio
, your dremio.conf is probably just connecting to your root and DBeaver is not handling it
zookeeper: "<host1>:2181,<host2>:2181,<host3>:2181/path/to/dremio"
Try one of the below
zookeeper: "<host1>:2181,<host2>:2181,<host3>:2181/path/to/dremio"
services.coordinator.master.embedded-zookeeper.enabled: false
zookeeper: "<host1>:2181,<host2>:2181"