DBVisualizer connection Issue

Hi Team, we countered some connection issue when using Dremio jdbc Driver.

In dremio.conf file, the exact zookeeper line is as below:
zookeeper: “hostd00025.company.com:1234,hoste00026.company.com:1234,hostf00027.company.com:1234/DremioEE

And it does not work for the Database URL that exactly same as the zookeeper configure in Dremio.conf file like below

But the connection works if we config like below:

Can you please let me know why? And Why we cannot use the exact zookeeper line config in DBVisualizer connection?

Seems the JDBC connection is like below:
What is the difference and which one is better. Thanks.

@dolphinlei Couple of things,

Do you have multiple coordinators connecting to the same ZK Quorum? If not then you can simply use the below in both dremio.conf and DBVisualizer

services.coordinator.master.embedded-zookeeper.enabled: false
zookeeper: "<host1>:2181,<host2>:2181"

Also, the last word on the path needs to be /dremio, your dremio.conf is probably just connecting to your root and DBeaver is not handling it

zookeeper: "<host1>:2181,<host2>:2181,<host3>:2181/path/to/dremio"

Try one of the below

zookeeper: "<host1>:2181,<host2>:2181,<host3>:2181/path/to/dremio"


services.coordinator.master.embedded-zookeeper.enabled: false
zookeeper: "<host1>:2181,<host2>:2181"