Docker logs flooded with DEBUG com.dremio.sabot.memory.MemoryArbiterImpl

Fresh installation of docker image version 24.2 of Dremio with below command:

docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --name dremio -p 9047:9047 -p 9048:31010 -p 9049:45678 -v /home/data/dremio:/opt/dremio/data -v /ubuntu/data/dremio-conf:/opt/dremio/conf --log-opt max-size=100m --log-opt max-file=3 dremio/dremio-oss:24.2

is flooding the logs with continuous log entries as below:

12:32:31.052 [Thread-77] DEBUG com.dremio.sabot.memory.MemoryArbiterImpl - The system has 5049103156 free memory. The low water mark is 4294967296 and there are 0 blocked tasks, not shrinking memory

screenshot below:


  1. Is this a memory error? How to fix it if so?
  2. It seems a DEBUG log. Not sure why DEBUG level log is being shown by default. How to turn it off when running under docker?

@KrishnaPG LEt me investigate this and get back to you shortly, meanwhile, can you please send me your logback.xml?

@KrishnaPG This is fixed and will be available in the upcoming Dremio 24.x release. At this point there is no ETA but should be coming out soon