I am developing a client-side implementation of the Arrow Flight RPC protocol. I am specifically interested in the do_put
method, which allows me to upload data to a Dremio server. I have not been able to find a working example of how to use do_put
, and I would like to know if DremioOSS supports this method.
Hi, did someone find a solution for this, please?
We are also attempting to use PyArrow to transfer data from Parquet to Dremio and do_pu function ends with this error:
Error inserting data: Flight returned internal error, with message: There was an error servicing your request… gRPC client debug context: UNKNOWN:Error received from peer ipv4: {grpc_message:“There was an error servicing your request.”, grpc_status:13, created_time:“2024-11-17T22:31:50.571132425+00:00”}. Client context: OK
can you please help?
We’re currently working on support do_put in Dremio. However the focus is on support for FlightSQL commands. As far as I know, PyArrow does not have FlightSQL client bindings (source) so it will depend on how you use PyArrow.
Can you clarify on how you use do_put, for what purpose and what’s your expectation?