Dremio admin backup job error with GCS storage via S3 API


I am using the below command from dremio master POD to store dremio backups into GCS bucket via S3 API:

/opt/dremio/bin/dremio-admin backup -a -u <dremio_user> -p <dremio_password> -d s3a://dremio-backup/admin-backup.

My S3 end point is set to storage.googleapis.com.

After writing most of the backup files into the GCS bucket dremio-backup/admin-backup, the job eventually fails with below error:

2024-05-24 18:25:20,756 [qtp296800048-10237]** **INFO c.dremio.dac.util.BackupRestoreUtil - Tables and uploads Backup** **finished. Backup of 58 tables and 4 uploads
2024-05-24 18:25:20,760 [qtp296800048-10237] ERROR** **c.d.d.server.GenericExceptionMapper - Unexpected exception when processing POST** **http://dremio-master-0.dremio-cluster-pod.dremio.svc.cluster.local:9047/apiv2/backup** **: java.io.IOException: Multi-part upload with id** **'ABPnzm4u1pPva7siacGr9LZZzALnG_6rXvWSz6LQwYm5kIQwJNDumWUpGWOuCnIbciKcMTg' to** **admin-backup/dremio_backup_2024-05-24_18.24/jobs_backup.pb failed:** **java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid base 16 character: 'L'
java.io.IOException: Multi-part upload with id** **'ABPnzm4u1pPva7siacGr9LZZzALnG_6rXvWSz6LQwYm5kIQwJNDumWUpGWOuCnIbciKcMTg' to** **admin-backup/dremio_backup_2024-05-24_18.24/jobs_backup.pb failed:** **java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid base 16 character: 'L'

Please suggest how to fix this issue.


Where is Dremio hosted and how are you authenticating dremio-admin to talk to GCS-via-S3? Feels rather unsupported (as for sources/dist we require S3-compatibility to be specified for non-AWS S3 locations)

I’d advise creating backup locally and moving it to GCS separately.

My Dremio is hosted on a Kubernetes cluster on-prem and from there I am talking to GCS via S3 api using HMAC keys.
Please note that as I said in my original post,most of the files are getting backed up in GCS,the error is mainly coming while backing up jobs_backup.pb file.

Does the log file contain the whole exception stack? If not, let’s enable debug logging and see if we can get it.

Also getting vibes of PutObjectRequest Unable to unmarshall response (Java 2 SDK) · Issue #7756 · minio/minio · GitHub which comes down to “compatibility mode is not set” so we are back to “how are you configuring the connection to GCS?” question.