Dremio Cloud x MongoDB


Is there any current plans of adding a MongoDB connection to dremio cloud like it exists for the Dremio Software versions?

If so, is there a planned date for this connector?

@Mauricio_Macri Yes, the MongoDB connector will be available in Dremio Cloud in January 2024.

Thank you for the answer.

One of our clients is migrating Dremio Enterprise > Cloud and one of his sources was MongoDB.

So we were searching for options if this new connector was not coming for a while.

hi @isha , thanks for this information.
We have just installed a fresh Dremio Cloud environment, and MongoDb is not part of the list of sources when I want to add a connection. The documentation of Dremio v24.3.x indicates MongoDb as available.

Also is there any way to know which version is being executed ?

select * from sys.version

does not work

Hi @dfleckinger,

You’re always on the latest “version” on Dremio Cloud so there’s no concept of external versioning.

The MongoDB source has been pushed to the next update of Dremio Cloud to ensure quality and robustness of this feature. The next update of Dremio Cloud is currently targeted for early February.

It would be great to understand how MongoDB fits into the use case you’re implementing with Dremio.


Thanks !

Dremio community edition is already running with a connection to MongoDB . As an example of use cases, we have a MongoDb collection that contain tracking information, with an incremental reflection configured on top of this dataset.

when a new version of Dremio Cloud is deployed, is there any information about the moment when it was deployed or when a new version will be deployed ?

We update our changelog on the day that we deploy an update. See Changelog | Dremio Documentation for more information.