Dremio Enterprise Arrow Flight alchemy

In Dremio Enterprise I have successfully setup SSO connection with Azure AD (Entra ID)
Now I want to perform queries against it from jupyter notebooks via alchemy (sqlalchemy-dremio) and %SQL magics.
I have no issues with internal users, first I login with REST API to get the token and then I use that token in the connection string.
For AD user though, I cannot get that token and the PAT created in dremio manually does not work in alchemy. When I try to login via REST API it returns:
{‘errorMessage’: ‘Cannot authenticate users when using Azure AD’,

  • ‘moreInfo’: ‘’}*

And when I use the PAT in alchemy it returns:
Flight returned unauthenticated error, with message:

Is there any way I can make it work with AD authenticated user?
Many thanks