Dremio folder not found in child of parent but complain existence when create

When I try to create a folder at the path, dremio said

POST /api/v3/catalog body: {"errorMessage":"There already exists an entity of type [FOLDER] at given path

But when I try to get the information of the path by


It doesn’t return my the folder which the above message said “exists”

And the observation from the UI is I can’t find the Dataset page, and the dataset count is not match what I saw when I choose the source. But the folder can be found from the "SQL Runner " page. Any ideas this mismatch of the catalog in different page and api response?

@ee07b415 DO you see the VDS under information_schema.views?

I can’t find the VDS under the information_schema.views

@ee07b415 Try to create the VDS on a different path and then see if you can move it