Dremio No valid credentials provided

Hi all
I have a problem with my dremio. It seems that sometimes it lost the connection beetwin the workers and master.
In dremio.log I have the following error:

com.dremio.common.exceptions.UserRemoteException: SYSTEM ERROR: GSSException: No valid credentials provided (Mechanism level: Failed to find any Kerberos tgt)

When there is this problem, I can’t see the workers on Node Activity in Dremio consolle.
I have to restart the cluster from provisioning tab.

In dremio.conf I have keytab.file.path: “/var/lib/dremio/vbdl_adm.keytab” but if I see the java process on worker machine I have:


Can you help me?


This could also suggest orphaned containers issue which we have addressed now. Is this from the lstest version or n older version of Dremio?


The build is 4.0.5-201911202046080257-19b10938.



Kindly upgrade to the latest version
