ERROR to transform in JSON

If processing data, it is no longer possible to transform it into JSON. Follows the error message below.

Using CONVERT_FROM(*, ‘JSON’) is only supported against string literals and direct table references of types VARCHAR and VARBINARY.

OBS.: Even transforming the data to the requested formats in the error message, this error still continues.


Are you able to provide us with the query profile where the type=VARCHAR in JSON format and still Dremio is not able to convert to JSON?

An example of the problem is attached.
I have a JSON array, but I need to remove those with null values. When handling, a formatting error occurs. (7.8 KB)

Atached Problem Image

Null fields treated and after attempted to convert to JSON.


Are the values actual null values or having a value of null as string? I see empty text, see screenshot of my repro, works with nulls

All data are strings. I have attached the document that clearly demonstrates the problem I am facing. I just need to transform the “Array” field into JSON, but if there is a null field, it is a problem.
Follow the CSV in the attached example in ZIP. (289 Bytes)


It looks like the double quotes in JSON string is not the right one, I replaced it with the right one and then you will hit the below error

UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION ERROR: Null values are not supported in lists by default. Please set store.json.all_text_mode to true to read lists containing nulls. Be advised that this will treat JSON null values as a string containing the word ‘null’.

Once you set that parameter, the query will work

SELECT oid_id, convert_fromJSON(“array”) JSON_aray FROM “Example-Problem-JSON 2”

{“oid_id”:“3”,“JSON_aray”:[{“$oid”:“12asd2311asd3as”}]} (887 Bytes)

But why does it always give an error when I try to treat the field I want to convert to JSON? For example, I would like to replace the [“null”] fields with empty. However, when doing this, Dremio returns me the following error:

Using CONVERT_FROM(*, ‘JSON’) is only supported against string literals and direct table references of types VARCHAR and VARBINARY.


Woks for me


SELECT case when “array” = ‘[null]’ then ‘’ else “array” end as “array” FROM “Example-Problem-JSON 2”


{“oid_id”:“3”,“array”:“[{"$oid": "12asd2311asd3as"}]”,“array0”:“[{"$oid": "12asd2311asd3as"}]”}

See also attached screenshot

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@balaji.ramaswamy and all, good afternoon.

I’m having an issue similar to this.

I have this json file (attached) that has the following structure. (2.4 KB)

I need to parse it extracting the following information:

As it is a nested JSON, so I’ve tried the following approach.

  1. CONVERT_FROMJSON(j.json).“DATA_ORDER”.“value” convert1
SQL Error: VALIDATION ERROR: 'CONVERT_FROMJSON' does not accept the supplied operand types: ANY

Checking the error, as it is returning ANY, I tried to convert to utf8 and extract the JSON again.

  1. CONVERT_FROM(CONVERT_FROMJSON(j.json).“DATA_ORDER”.“value”, ‘utf8’) convert3
SQL Error: VALIDATION ERROR: Using CONVERT_FROM(*, 'JSON') is only supported against string literals and direct table references of types VARCHAR and VARBINARY.

[Error Id: eef65012-b404-4397-b2ec-dadd9fe91953 on dremio-master-0.dremio-cluster-pod.-dev-dremions.svc.cluster.local:31010]

what could be my error on it please? Any idea to guide me?


@weslleybarboza How exactly is the JSON file coming in? In your query it’s specified in a WITH clause. However, If you use the actual JSON file instead (attached), you can query it with:

SELECT convert_from(weslleybarboza.DATA_ORDER."value",'JSON').subscription.catalogOfferCode
FROM weslleybarboza AS weslleybarboza (2.6 KB)

HI @lenoyjacob, thanks for your reply.
My context is:

  • The source is a view on Dremio pointing to a table from MariaDB
CREATE or REPLACE VIEW "data_product".bronze.glx."workflow-query".integration_context AS
select * from "src-mdb-system"."db_stg_workflow-query".integration_context;
  • The column type is VARCHAR?