How to configure hive

hive matastores are kerberos authentication. After the corresponding information is configured, check your Hive credentials and network settings is displayed.

Hi @jerry

After the corresponding information is configured

  1. Can you let us know what steps/guide you used to configure it?
  2. What does the server.log say when you try to setup this data source?
  3. Can you reach the Hive Metastore Host on the port configured, from the coordinator?

Thanks, Bogdan

First, enter the connection name, then enter the hive metastores external access host, external access port 31420, then enter hive kerberos principal, and click Save. The server.log file contains only service restart information, but no error information about data source Settings. Other logs are not written to the server.log file. We know that the hive metastores of the target source need to verify the principal,keytab file and configuration file, but I do not know where the keytab file and configuration file are placed.

The server.log file contains only service restart information, but no error information about data source Settings.

Doesn’t the error show up in the log when you try to save the source? What does the following return if you run it in the log directory on the coordinator: grep “111” serv*.log

I do not know where the keytab file and configuration file are placed.

Check /etc/krb5.conf or /etc/krb5/krb5.conf (location is configurable in the JVM settings). Based on your type of deployment, you should be following such guides:
