How to run Dremio client applications in Python with no Arrow Flight package

I have a question, My team uses pyarrow.flight to connect with dremio in Python in Intel MAC.

When I was trying to install pyarrow.flight package in MAC M1 , I am getting "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘pyarrow._flight’ " error.

I reached out to Apache team in Jira and they mentioned that “flight is not shipped in all versions of the wheel and unavailable in MAC M1 processor as it has been turned off”

([ARROW-13657] [Python] No module named ‘pyarrow._flight’ (MacOS) - ASF JIRA )

Do anyone knows of any way I can run dremio in Python without pyarrow.flight module??
It is really important.


Please install pyarrow using conda. As mentioned in the Apache link you provided, the pyarrow.flight module is enabled via conda install.