select "accounts"."STATE" AS accountsSTATE, MAX( "measures"."BALANCE") AS measuresBALANCE
from measures as measures, accounts as accounts
where 1=1 AND "measures"."ACCT_NO"="accounts"."ACCT_NO" AND "measures"."PERIOD_END" >= '1921-01-01' AND "measures"."PERIOD_END" < '2018-03-20'
group by "accounts"."STATE"
order by measuresBALANCE desc
limit 10
00-00 Screen : rowType = RecordType(VARCHAR(65536) accountsSTATE, DOUBLE measuresBALANCE): rowcount = 10.0, cumulative cost = {6.258067439200002E7 rows, 4.73785018861381E8 cpu, 3.0017523200000003E7 io, 6.453442842111998E9 network, 1.8503958528000003E8 memory}, id = 61902
00-01 ComplexToJson : rowType = RecordType(VARCHAR(65536) accountsSTATE, DOUBLE measuresBALANCE): rowcount = 10.0, cumulative cost = {6.258067339200002E7 rows, 4.73785017861381E8 cpu, 3.0017523200000003E7 io, 6.453442842111998E9 network, 1.8503958528000003E8 memory}, id = 61901
00-02 Project(accountsSTATE=[$0], measuresBALANCE=[$1]) : rowType = RecordType(VARCHAR(65536) accountsSTATE, DOUBLE measuresBALANCE): rowcount = 10.0, cumulative cost = {6.258066339200002E7 rows, 4.73785007861381E8 cpu, 3.0017523200000003E7 io, 6.453442842111998E9 network, 1.8503958528000003E8 memory}, id = 61900
00-03 Limit(fetch=[10]) : rowType = RecordType(VARCHAR(65536) STATE, DOUBLE measuresBALANCE): rowcount = 10.0, cumulative cost = {6.258065339200002E7 rows, 4.73784987861381E8 cpu, 3.0017523200000003E7 io, 6.453442842111998E9 network, 1.8503958528000003E8 memory}, id = 61899
00-04 TopN(limit=[10]) : rowType = RecordType(VARCHAR(65536) STATE, DOUBLE measuresBALANCE): rowcount = 25001.37599999999, cumulative cost = {6.258064339200002E7 rows, 4.73784947861381E8 cpu, 3.0017523200000003E7 io, 6.453442842111998E9 network, 1.8503958528000003E8 memory}, id = 61898
00-05 RoundRobinExchange : rowType = RecordType(VARCHAR(65536) STATE, DOUBLE measuresBALANCE): rowcount = 25001.37599999999, cumulative cost = {6.255564201600002E7 rows, 4.73452736768E8 cpu, 3.0017523200000003E7 io, 6.453442842111998E9 network, 1.8503958528000003E8 memory}, id = 61897
01-01 HashAgg(group=[{0}], measuresBALANCE=[MAX($1)]) : rowType = RecordType(VARCHAR(65536) STATE, DOUBLE measuresBALANCE): rowcount = 25001.37599999999, cumulative cost = {6.2530640640000015E7 rows, 4.7325272576E8 cpu, 3.0017523200000003E7 io, 6.248631569919998E9 network, 1.8503958528000003E8 memory}, id = 61896
01-02 Project(STATE=[$0], measuresBALANCE=[$1]) : rowType = RecordType(VARCHAR(65536) STATE, DOUBLE measuresBALANCE): rowcount = 500027.5199999999, cumulative cost = {6.203061312000001E7 rows, 4.6325217536E8 cpu, 3.0017523200000003E7 io, 6.248631569919998E9 network, 1.7623910092800003E8 memory}, id = 61895
01-03 HashToRandomExchange(dist0=[[$0]]) : rowType = RecordType(VARCHAR(65536) STATE, DOUBLE measuresBALANCE, ANY E_X_P_R_H_A_S_H_F_I_E_L_D): rowcount = 500027.5199999999, cumulative cost = {6.153058560000001E7 rows, 4.6225212032E8 cpu, 3.0017523200000003E7 io, 6.248631569919998E9 network, 1.7623910092800003E8 memory}, id = 61894
02-01 UnorderedMuxExchange : rowType = RecordType(VARCHAR(65536) STATE, DOUBLE measuresBALANCE, ANY E_X_P_R_H_A_S_H_F_I_E_L_D): rowcount = 500027.5199999999, cumulative cost = {6.1030558080000006E7 rows, 4.5425168E8 cpu, 3.0017523200000003E7 io, 1.0429340416E8 network, 1.7623910092800003E8 memory}, id = 61893
03-01 Project(STATE=[$0], measuresBALANCE=[$1], E_X_P_R_H_A_S_H_F_I_E_L_D=[hash32($0)]) : rowType = RecordType(VARCHAR(65536) STATE, DOUBLE measuresBALANCE, ANY E_X_P_R_H_A_S_H_F_I_E_L_D): rowcount = 500027.5199999999, cumulative cost = {6.053053056E7 rows, 4.5375165248E8 cpu, 3.0017523200000003E7 io, 1.0429340416E8 network, 1.7623910092800003E8 memory}, id = 61892
03-02 HashAgg(group=[{0}], measuresBALANCE=[MAX($1)]) : rowType = RecordType(VARCHAR(65536) STATE, DOUBLE measuresBALANCE): rowcount = 500027.5199999999, cumulative cost = {6.003050304E7 rows, 4.5025145984000003E8 cpu, 3.0017523200000003E7 io, 1.0429340416E8 network, 1.7623910092800003E8 memory}, id = 61891
03-03 Project(STATE=[$3], measuresBALANCE=[$1]) : rowType = RecordType(VARCHAR(65536) STATE, DOUBLE measuresBALANCE): rowcount = 1.00005504E7, cumulative cost = {5.002995264E7 rows, 2.5024045184000003E8 cpu, 3.0017523200000003E7 io, 1.0429340416E8 network, 229413.888 memory}, id = 61890
03-04 HashJoin(condition=[=($0, $2)], joinType=[inner]) : rowType = RecordType(BIGINT ACCT_NO, DOUBLE measuresBALANCE, BIGINT ACCT_NO0, VARCHAR(65536) STATE): rowcount = 1.00005504E7, cumulative cost = {4.002940224E7 rows, 2.3023935104000002E8 cpu, 3.0017523200000003E7 io, 1.0429340416E8 network, 229413.888 memory}, id = 61889
03-06 Project(ACCT_NO=[$0], measuresBALANCE=[$1]) : rowType = RecordType(BIGINT ACCT_NO, DOUBLE measuresBALANCE): rowcount = 1.00005504E7, cumulative cost = {3.0001651200000003E7 rows, 7.00038528E7 cpu, 3.0001651200000003E7 io, 3.0001651200000003E7 network, 0.0 memory}, id = 61883
03-08 Project(ACCT_NO=[$1], BALANCE=[$2]) : rowType = RecordType(BIGINT ACCT_NO, DOUBLE BALANCE): rowcount = 1.00005504E7, cumulative cost = {2.00011008E7 rows, 5.0002752E7 cpu, 3.0001651200000003E7 io, 3.0001651200000003E7 network, 0.0 memory}, id = 61882
03-09 ParquetScan(table=["__accelerator".“258e9e3e-ee39-4dd3-959c-55f27b98cf46”.“f6f2dbb1-93ef-407f-8997-96cd7a4779ee”], columns=[PERIOD_END
], splits=[2], filters=[[Filter on PERIOD_END
: booleanAnd(greater_than_or_equal_to(PERIOD_END
, cast( -1546300800000 as TIMESTAMP)) , less_than(PERIOD_END
, cast( 1521504000000 as TIMESTAMP)) ) ]]) : rowType = RecordType(TIMESTAMP(0) PERIOD_END, BIGINT ACCT_NO, DOUBLE BALANCE): rowcount = 1.00005504E7, cumulative cost = {1.00005504E7 rows, 3.0001651200000003E7 cpu, 3.0001651200000003E7 io, 3.0001651200000003E7 network, 0.0 memory}, id = 61881
03-05 Project(ACCT_NO0=[$0], STATE=[$1]) : rowType = RecordType(BIGINT ACCT_NO0, VARCHAR(65536) STATE): rowcount = 1130.8799999999997, cumulative cost = {26069.760000000002 rows, 217644.80000000002 cpu, 15872.0 io, 7.429175296E7 network, 209510.40000000002 memory}, id = 61888
03-07 BroadcastExchange : rowType = RecordType(BIGINT ACCT_NO, VARCHAR(65536) STATE): rowcount = 1130.8799999999997, cumulative cost = {24938.88 rows, 215383.04 cpu, 15872.0 io, 7.429175296E7 network, 209510.40000000002 memory}, id = 61887
04-01 HashAgg(group=[{0, 1}]) : rowType = RecordType(BIGINT ACCT_NO, VARCHAR(65536) STATE): rowcount = 1130.8799999999997, cumulative cost = {23808.0 rows, 206336.0 cpu, 15872.0 io, 6.5027584E7 network, 209510.40000000002 memory}, id = 61886
04-02 UnionExchange : rowType = RecordType(BIGINT ACCT_NO, VARCHAR(65536) STATE): rowcount = 7936.0, cumulative cost = {15872.0 rows, 79360.0 cpu, 15872.0 io, 6.5027584E7 network, 0.0 memory}, id = 61885
05-01 ParquetScan(table=["__accelerator".“dd9d92c6-78de-4cbf-89e6-4d84001beb47”.“1482bfce-1dad-4a1b-b9bd-d8c16075fbdf”], columns=[ACCT_NO
], splits=[1]) : rowType = RecordType(BIGINT ACCT_NO, VARCHAR(65536) STATE): rowcount = 7936.0, cumulative cost = {7936.0 rows, 15872.0 cpu, 15872.0 io, 15872.0 network, 0.0 memory}, id = 61884